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Understanding your event analytics
Updated over 3 months ago

Humanitix event analytics gives you important insights into your attendee and visitor information helping you promote your future events effectively and efficiently - no integration required.

To access event analytics for your event head to reports > analytics via the left-hand menu bar while managing your event

Analytics are only available on an event level.

Manage each event individually to see that event's analytics data.

Page views, visits and conversions

Using the primary analytics view you dive into the number of potential buyers who have visited your event page and the percentage of those who have successfully bought tickets.

You can filter all analytics data by date range using the filter in the top-right

Coming soon: Custom date range

You will soon be able to set a custom date range you wish to see analytics for

You can filter your analytics data by:

  • Views

This is the number of page views your event page has received across all channels. This includes repeat visitors. Views are also broken down over a regular interval period.

  • Unique visitors

The total number of unique users who have reached your page. Note: even if a unique visitor returns to your event page multiple times, they are still counted as a single, unique visitor.

There may be situations where it cannot be determined if two views are from the same visitor if they have employed privacy measures.

  • Completed orders

A count of all completed orders (except manual orders) or individual transactions whereby a buyer has registered/purchased tickets and received a confirmation. It is not a count of individual tickets sold in each order.

  • Conversation rate

The percentage (%) of unique visitors who successfully made an order for the event.

Is my conversion rate good?

Conversion rates can vary wildly between different events and industries. The average conversion rate across all e-commerce can be between 2-4%! For events, these can range anywhere from 5% to as high as 60% depending on the nature and lifecycle of the event.

On average, over the lifetime of an event, it would be impossible to expect a conversion rate of 100%, however, there are some tips you can take onboard to help make your event more enticing, reduce friction, and increase those conversion rates!


  • Keep your ticket options simple and easy to decipher

    • Pretend you've never seen your event before. Is the number of options, wording, or descriptions too overwhelming? It may stop someone from making a quick decision.

  • Make your event look professional and enticing

    • Make sure your event banner image is legible, add important information to the event description, and make sure you have added a Host profile
      > Learn more about styling your event OR adding a host profile

  • Reduce the number and complexity of checkout questions you ask

    • A lengthy form to fill out is one of the top reasons for checkout friction.
      Rule of thumb: If you aren't going to use it, don't ask it!
      > Learn more about collecting attendee data

  • Offer alternative payment methods such as Afterpay and Zippay (where available)

    • While these options come at an extra cost, you can increase the accessibility of your event, encouraging earlier sales or sales that may never have been.
      > Learn more about offering payment plans

  • Use time-limited discounts or tiered pricing such as "Early Bird" options

    • Everyone wants to feel like they are getting a good deal. Discounted pricing is a tried and tested method to get people buying - and buying early!
      > Learn more about setting up early bird pricing

  • Improve the readability and navigation of your ticket options

    • Take advantage of ticket groups to categorise your ticket options on the event page to avoid an 'endless scroll' for buyers and prioritise key entry tickets.
      > Learn more about ticket groups

  • Drive buyers to key ticket options with ticket-level images

    • Make the checkout journey an easy and colourful experience by drawing buyers' eyes to your key ticket options with a stylistic image
      > Learn more about styling your ticket options

  • Embed your event page as a widget on your website

    • Cut down on the number of pages you must visit to buy a ticket. Direct all buyers to your website (and brand) and let them check out straight away!
      > Learn more about embedding your event page into your website

Backdating: Analytics data is available from Mid-January 2024. You can visit any past event and see data from this period

Traffic sources and visitor location

Understanding the most effective channels your buyers use to find your events, or where they are coming from, can help you optimise your marketing efforts and ensure you focus your energy on the right methods.

Visitor location data will help you maximise your advertising efforts into the right communities, find new expansion opportunities, or even aid in event logistics if you expect visitors to come from particular areas over others!

Traffic sources

  • Traffic sources are a record of the original online location a visitor has come from to reach your event page

  • Direct: Refers to a visitor reaching your page via the event page URL and where no other source can be detected. For example, this might be from a visitor using the event page URL shared by a friend or via a link used in an email.

  • Channel groups: Channel groups are the 'umbrella' sources of traffic which include a sum of all visitors from the following channels, regardless of unique websites or links:

    • Direct links

    • Humanitix (i.e. the Humanitix website)

    • Organic searches (e.g. via Google)

    • Organic social media searches (e.g. via Facebook)

    • Any other sources

  • UTM channels are optional but effective tools for marketers wanting granular visibility on the best-performing channels. You can then allocate your marketing budget more effectively focusing on the right format, topics, and channels that drive more traffic and revenue.
    UTM tracking is achieved by adding "UTM Parameters" or snippets of text to the end of a URL i.e. your event page URL shared with buyers.

    For example

    • 1. utm_source

      Identifies the source of your traffic (e.g. Facebook, search engine, etc.). For example, if the visitor arrived at your website by clicking through a Google search engine result, the parameter would read: utm_source=google

      2. utm_medium

      This UTM code specifies the medium, such as "newsletter". If your source is Facebook, you might use the label “social” to indicate the traffic came from social media. For example, this would appear as utm_medium=social

      3. utm_campaign

      This parameter indicates the "campaign" that the URL is part of. This might be an identifier like a seasonal offering such as "Mother's Day" for example: utm_campaign=mothers-day

      4. utm_content

      A more granular option to track things like the effectiveness of different elements on your website. For example, if you had two separate call-to-actions on your page you could identify which is the more used; utm_content=top-of-page-tickets

Using UTM parameters effectively can be a learning process and requires a general understanding of naming conventions and combination techniques. These can also be unique to your website, business, methods etc.

Location (Postcodes, Cities, Countries)

A count of traffic for the busiest visitor locations. You can filter by individual postcodes, cities, and countries. You can use this to target particular areas more than others or even find new areas or communities to target with your marketing.

Logistically you may also want to find out where guests are coming to from your event. Are there directions or public transport you need to include in your FAQs, or perhaps you can tweak the availability of your event buses?

Coming Soon: Demographics

We will soon be able to provide Age and Gender estimates

Device and browser use

The type of devices and browsers your customers use can have big implications on the user experience for your event, your website, and comms outside of Humanitix. These decisions may also impact your conversion rates so it's important to understand how buyers interact with your event page.

Humanitix event pages are optimised for both mobile and desktop but this information may help inform your ticket and checkout form experience.


Mobile vs Desktop

Mobile users interact with web pages differently from desktop users.

Mobile users will prefer easy-to-navigate and quick actions, often relying on touch interactions. With a smaller screen, they will prefer concise information and will struggle with lengthy forms, for example.

Desktop users may take time more time to read details and make decisions. You may consider providing more information on your event to help them make an informed decision.

Consider how your website is set up, is it tailored to your audience?


Browser use can give you further insights into your buyers' personas. Safari users are more likely to be Apple users and expect a particular buyer experience or Edge users are likely to be more from a 'corporate' background. These insights can help your website management, and ensure your website is optimised for the most used browsers.

Orders completed by Hour and Day

Understanding when your buyers and community are more likely to make their purchase decisions can help determine when best to send out your promotional material.

You'll want to catch buyers at these crucial timeslots in the day or week to maximise the turnover of your marketing efforts.

These graphs display the sum of the total number of completed orders by hourly timeslots and by individual day of the week.

For example, you may find a spike in purchases every Thursday between 3-6 pm.

All order tracking excludes manual orders.

Commonly asked questions

Can Humanitix help me set up UTM Parameters for my event?

Unfortunately, Humanitix cannot advise on the complete set-up of UTM parameters for the marketing of your event page. These are often unique to your organisation, or your circumstances. We would recommend referring to an internal or external marketing team.

Can I export these analytics reports as a PDF or CSV / Excel file?

Currently these analytic reports cannot be exported as a PDF or CSV file. We may look to offer this functionality in the coming months.

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