The bulk upload tool will generate tickets for an event
You should use this tool only for attendees or a guest list who are going to attend.
If you are looking to send an RSVP/invitiation to your event then we would recommend emailing those guests via your email service instead.
The bulk upload tool is the quickest way to upload a list of complimentary tickets on behalf of attendees, such as for artists, sponsors, promoters, and/or members of your organisation, or import tickets sold on another event.
You will need to upload a CSV file of your buyer and/or individual ticket holder, and so will require access to an app that can open and edit CSV files, such as Google Sheets, Excel, or Numbers.
Note: You must create the ticket type(s) you would like to allocate your complimentary tickets to, before you process a bulk upload.
Creating additional ticket types for different complimentary audiences can help your reporting, e.g. "staff/crew", "artists", "complimentary".
To start a bulk upload, manage your event and navigate to manage attendees > bulk upload
1.Download the CSV template
We highly recommend downloading the templated CSV file provided on the bulk upload page which is a correctly formatted file that you can copy+paste your data into
Custom CSV files will not be accepted if the column formatting is not correct.
2. Add your data to the CSV template
Open the template CSV file
On each row, fill out the following required fields. If you are copying from an existing list, make sure to match the details with the correct column:
Order ID (optional - see more)
Ticket Type
Buyer First Name
Buyer Last Name
Buyer Email
Optional: If you have added checkout questions, you will also see them as additional columns in the CSV file
Save the CSV file
⚠️ CSV column headers and ticket type names must match those found on the event exactly.
Each row will generate one ticket
For example, if you want to issue 10 tickets for Jane Doe, you will need to duplicate the same row into 10 identical rows. You can use the OrderID column to group these tickets into the same order.
3. Group several tickets into a single order (optional)
By default, one row = one ticket.
You can use the Order ID column to group several tickets into a single order that will generate one order confirmation email with access to all tickets, rather than multiple emails.
To group tickets together into a single order:
Under the Order ID column enter the same, unique order ID* next to each ticket that you wish to group together.
You can group up to 50 tickets in the same order.
Make sure this ID is unique i.e. not repeated for any other tickets you do not wish to include in the same order
For tickets that do not need to be grouped, you can leave the order ID column blank
*This ID can be any unique number, combination of numbers, or even letters / symbols. It does not need to follow a ‘1', ‘2’, '3'… sequence of numbers
Group purchases can also be generated by using a new manual order. The buyer will receive a single confirmation email with all tickets attached. This is preferred if you’re processing single orders at a time.
4. Upload the CSV template
Click choose file and upload your saved CSV file
Select the event date you would like to create tickets for (if applicable)
Hit Load
If you have received any errors when trying to upload your CSV file please refer to the troubleshoot tips below
5. Map your checkout question fields
This is only necessary if you are uploading unique information on each ticket (excluding buyer details) and have used a CSV file with column names that are named differently from columns in the templated CSV file
Manually map the columns in your CSV file to the fields created in checkout questions or toggle on ignore column if not required
Review the examples generated > hit upload
Check email each order created to send out confirmation emails
How do I know if the upload is successful?
You will get an email notification once tickets have been generated. It will also include any tickets (rows) that failed to be processed so you can review your CSV file and see if there were any mistakes.
You can also go to manage attendees > attendees and compare the newly added guests against the CSV file.
Commonly asked questions
Is there a maximum number of tickets I can upload at a time?
You can upload 2000 tickets at a time in a single sheet.
You can group up to 50 tickets in a single order on the same sheet.
Can I email each individual ticket holder rather than just the "buyer"?
Bulk uploads will only email each "order". If you have grouped multiple tickets into a single order using the Order ID column, individual ticket holders will not be emailed even if a unique email address has been provided. Only the buyer will be emailed.
You can however return to the orders/refunds > orders page and click actions > resend tickets > email all attendees next to the order(s).
I am receiving an error message when trying to upload my file
If you are receiving an error message when trying to bulk upload your file, it could be because the CSV file you are uploading or the data you have entered is not in the correct format. Ensure they have downloaded the Template CSV file from the Bulk Upload page. The CSV file will not be accepted if the columns are not in the correct layout.
Review your columns and ticket-type names
Make sure your attendee data is correct. Missing email addresses or email addresses that are in the wrong format won’t be uploaded
Remove any special symbols (except for ) which may affect the CSV file. This includes any “commas” “,” that you may have included
Error message: Row x contains a ticket type which does not exist: Ticket type name
This ticket type does not exist in the event
The ticket type name is case-sensitive and space-sensitive. Make sure it is an exact copy of the ticket type name in console (use copy+paste) or just download template CSV file
Error message:
You are attempting to group multiple rows together but the buyer information is not the same across all rows
Like when purchasing via the ticketing page there can be only one buyer
The buyer information (Name, Email) must be the same for all rows being grouped together
In the screenshot below, the buyer name and email must be Matt Smith & for all tickets in this orderIf you want unique names on each ticket/order
Separate the orders with a new Order ID, OR
Add in unique names using the First Name and Last Name checkout questions. These will need to be added if not already