Manual orders are a way to generate tickets on behalf of attendees, and so can be used to generate complimentary tickets for guests and VIPs or account for sales of paid tickets that have taken place outside of Humanitix e.g. via cash or direct transfers
Tickets generated by manual orders are valid tickets and count towards your ticket capacity as per normal.
Manual orders can, however, can exceed your capacity
For example: If your event has sold 100/100 tickets, it is still possible to create a manual order for "1"ticket. Your ticket sales will show as 101/100.
To create a manual order
Manage your event via the events tab
Navigate to orders/refunds > orders
Click + new manual order
How to create a complimentary manual order
Complimentary tickets have a value of "$0" and are ideal for guests, sponsors, and other entrants where no payment needs to be taken.
To create a complimentary manual order:
Click + new manual order
Under payment type select complimentary
βAll tickets in this order will have a value of $0Select the event date (if required) and the quantity of ticket(s) to add to this order
Optional: Include a note on the order for your reference
Optional: If the guest does not need to receive a confirmation email, select skip emails
Enter the guests name, email address and any ticket-level information required
Complete the order
An order confirmation email with digital tickets will be automatically generated and sent to the guests details if skip emails has not been selected
How to create a paid manual order
Paid manual orders are ideal for generating tickets and reconciling your reporting for sales made outside of Humanitix, such as via cash or direct bank transfer.
Paid manual orders will count towards the earnings reported in Humanitix, but since no funds have been taken, will not be paid out to you or appear on your payout receipt.
To create a paid manual order:
Click + new manual order
Under payment type select the payment method e.g. cash or bank deposit
Select the event date (if required) and the quantity of ticket(s) to add to this order
Review the price charged for each ticket. You can manually override a price as needed.
Optional: Include a note on the order for your reference
Optional: If the guest does not need to receive a confirmation email, select skip emails
Enter the guests name, email address and any ticket-level information required
An order confirmation email with digital tickets and PDF tax invoice will be automatically generated and sent to the guests details if skip emails has not been selected
Commonly asked questions
Can I charge a customer's credit card with a manual order?
No, manual orders are a way to generate complimentary tickets and/or account for sales that have already happened outside of Humanitix.
They will not take any payment during the checkout process. If you wish to make a payment on behalf of a guest using their card, you will need to use the buyer-facing event page.
Are there any booking fees charged on a manual order?
There are no booking fees charged for manual orders.
How do manual orders affect my ticket capacity?
Manual orders count towards your ticket and event capacities like a regular ticket sale.
They will also override any capacity that you have set. Review your available capacities to prevent overselling your event.
For example: Your event has sold 95/100 tickets. You make a manual order for '6' tickets.
Your ticket sales will show as 101/100 tickets. Your event is now sold out and oversold by '1' ticket.
Am I paid out for manual orders?
No, since no payment has been made via Humanitix, manual orders have no funds associated with them in the Humanitix platform. Manual orders will count towards your earnings in your reporting only.
If you believe there is a discrepancy between your earning and payout figures for an event, it is likely due to paid manual orders. You can review this by navigating to the overview page of your event and filtering your earnings graph.
What happens if I refund a manual order?
Refunding a manual order will NOT result in any funds being debited from your ticket sales or returned to the buyer.
You will need to process any actual transfer of money for a refund, externally. You can still refund a manual order to reconcile your reporting and/or provide a refund confirmation to the buyer.