If you have trouble purchasing tickets or registering for an event, there are a few things you can check.
⚠️ If tickets for the event are unavailable or sold out, contact the event host to see if you can still register.
"Your checkout time has expired"
Events with a lot of questions take longer to register. If you don't have enough time to complete your order, contact the event host and ask them to increase the time limit.
"Failed to make payment"
If you see this error, it's likely your credit or debit card was declined. Check to make sure the following information is entered correctly and try again:
Card Number — Card numbers are usually 16 digits long.
Expiry date — If your card is expired, you will need to use a different card.
CVV — This is the 3-digit security code on the back of your card.
If your credit or debit card is still being declined:
Contact your bank or credit card company
Try using a different card
Any abandoned charges on your statement should drop off of your account within 5-7 business days, depending on your bank or credit card company. Refer to this guide to learn more about pending charges.
I can't proceed to the next step
If you are at the Select Tickets stage
Make sure you have selected at least a ticket or donation.
If you are at the Enter Details stage
Make sure you have answered the required questions.
If you are unable to enter your Postcode
If your postcode or zip code contains both letters and numbers (alphanumeric), such as those from Canada or the UK, try placing your order on a desktop computer rather than a mobile device. Desktops typically allow alphanumeric postcodes to be entered.
Something else...
Generally speaking, try these tricks when things are not working or don't look right. For example, if a button doesn't work at checkout, you can't enter any details or you can't pay.
Update your browser
To see your browser version, click here to check
Switch to a different device
If you are on a desktop, try using your mobile phone, and vice versa.
Switch to a different network
If you are using Wi-Fi, try using your mobile network, and vice versa.
Clear the cache of your browser
Sometimes, an overloaded web browser can cause things like missing fields or unresponsive buttons. Clear your browser's cache and cookies, then try to register again.
The process for clearing a browser's cache is different for every browser. Learn how to clear your cache in the following browsers in their documentation:
⚠️ Please note: after you've cleared your cache, completely restart your browser. This ensures that the cache is completely cleared.
For iOS devices (iPhone, iPad)
For Android devices