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Edit and update an order or ticket
Edit and update an order or ticket

Change names, email addresses, and other information collected using checkout questions

Updated over a week ago

You can update the details on existing orders, such as the name, email address, mobile, and unique ticket information collected using checkout questions.

πŸ“ Update details on an order or ticket

  1. Manage your event

  2. Navigate to orders/refunds > orders on the left-hand menu

  3. Search for their order by name, email or Order ID

  4. Click actions > edit to the right

  5. Fill in your required field and click update

You can also search for an order across all events via reports > orders on the top-level menu.

Search by their name, email, or order ID and click get report

Updating the details of an order/ticket will automatically update an attendee's digital ticket.

If the ticket buyer/attendee is the same person, there is no need to resend them a new ticket or confirmation email

πŸ“§ Resend an order confirmation email with tickets

If an orders' email address has changed or been updated, you can resend the order confirmation email to the buyer and/or individual ticket holders

When editing an order:

  1. Tick the resend order option at the bottom of the edit order page

  2. Select update and send

Tickets can only be sent to each individual attendee/ ticket holder if a unique email address has been collected per ticket using checkout questions
The buyer will always have access to all tickets


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