Every event payout made to you will generate a payout receipt which outlines:
The total amount paid to you
Any amounts outstanding
The breakdown of your ticket sales from different channels
Any booking fees that have been debited from your sales
The payout reference that appears in your bank statement
You can find the status and history of payouts for your event via the payments and fees > payouts page of your event.
Event payout receipts are only generated from Humanitix if your event has transacted on the Humanitix payment gateway.
If you have connected your event to Stripe, Humanitix does not manage these funds and these have been paid to you from your Stripe account.
Log into your Stripe dashboard to find all payout information.
Payout receipt attached to your payout confirmation email
When an event payout is processed a payout confirmation email is sent to your account email address and any other recipients you have nominated. This payout confirmation email contains an attached PDF payout receipt.
Search for this email in your inbox, it will begin with "Humanitix payment for [your event name]..."
Ensure co-hosts and finance team receive a copy of event payout receipts by adding them as additional recipients
Download a copy of your payout receipt
At anytime you can also download a copy of the event payout receipt as a PDF.
Navigate to the payments and fees > payouts page of your event.
Under the payments heading click the download receipt button to the right of each payment.
Each event payout and/or event date will receive a separate payout receipt
If you have been shared access to an event you will not be able to view payouts and download receipts if you have not been shared appropriate finances and reports or full access.
Contact the event owner to update your permissions if you require access.
See a financial breakdown of your event's orders
If you're looking for granular financial information such as ticket sales, fees charged, and taxes calculated on each order, this can be found on the orders report.
Navigate to the orders/refunds > orders report while managing your event.
This report can be downloaded as a CSV file
You can download mutliple events orders into a single CSV file via the reports > orders page on the top menu bar. Select all events that apply and select get report
Note: The orders report will not contain information on each ticket type purchased within an order only the overall item sales.
See a financial breakdown by each ticket type
You can find a breakdown of your overall sales by ticket type via the earnings of ticket type report on the top menu bar
Filter by your event(s) and select get report
You must select get report first and generate a list of data before you can use the select ticket types filter
You can also download a list of each individual ticket holder and their associated ticket type via the manage attendees > attendees report if you need a granular breakdown of each ticket.