I want a refund
Updated over a week ago

⚠️ Before you request a refund, please double-check your event's refund policy, as each event host may have different refund policies set out. You can find this information on the event page.

Contact your event host

If you are eligible for a refund, contact the event host to request a refund. You can find the "Contact Host" button on your confirmation email or on the event page. You will be able to select the "I want to request a refund" option from the dropdown menu.

ℹ️ IMPORTANT: Make sure to provide the order number and the email address you used for the purchase so that you can be verified against our records.

⚠️ WHAT HAPPENS NEXT: You will receive a refund confirmation email once it's been processed. However, it may take up to 10 business days for the funds to be cleared and land in your bank account/credit card.

What happens to my refund if my card is cancelled?

If you have received a refund confirmation email from us, chances are your bank has accepted the refund despite the fact that your card may have been cancelled.

This may sound strange and counterintuitive, but it is how the banks operate. What normally happens is if your account is closed but the bank accepts the refund, the bank will allocate the refund to a temporary account, and you will need to follow up with your bank to claim these funds. Let us know if your bank can't locate the refund.

I don't need a refund. I just need to cancel my ticket.

No worries! You can do these with just a few clicks. Learn how to:

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