How to connect HubSpot to Humanitix
Navigate to account > advanced on the top menu bar
Select integrations
Choose HubSpot and click connect to HubSpot
Follow the prompts to login to HubSpot and choose the account you want to sync
Only events that your account has created will be synced to your HubSpot account
Events that have been shared to you will not be synced.
Your HubSpot account must be either a super admin or have App Marketplace Access permissions to connect the integration.
Change your sync settings
Once connected you can update how data is synced between Humanitix and Hubspot.
Sync events:
All events - any event created under this account will be automatically synced
Selected events
Contact settings
Match existing contact but don't update
Match existing contact and update
Always create new contacts
What data is synced between HubSpot and Humanitix?
Humanitix will sync the full name, email, and mobile and marketing opt-in preference of each buyer as a contact in Hubspot.
You can also sync each attendee or 'ticket holder' by collecting unique information on each ticket using checkout questions.
Additional, custom checkout questions will not be synced.
This is a limitation of the Hubspot integration provided to Humanitix.
How is data synced into HubSpot?
Dynamic contact properties
A new contact properties group named Humanitix will be automatically created, including three new properties:
Last Registered Event Name
Last Registered Event Date
Marketing Opt-in When a contact registers for a new event, these fields will be updated automatically.
Timeline event updates
A "Humanitix registration event" is added to a contact when that buyer registers for an event. If the buyer is not a contact in Hubspot, a new contact will be created.
A "Humanitix cancellation event" will be added to that contact's timeline.When a ticket is cancelled.
A "Humanitix attendance event" will be added to a contact's timeline when their associated ticket has been checked-in.
Note: You must check-in this ticket via the Humanitix console or the Humantix for Hosts app.
Marketing event aggregated overview (BETA)
Each Humanitix event with a different start/end date will be synced as a marketing event on HubSpot.
By filtering the table and switching the columns, you can easily view the attendance status of all your events at a glance, such as:
Segment Humanitix attendee data in Hubspot
Once you've enabled the Humanitix integration with HubSpot, new segmentation options will appear in your lists and workflows.
You can now segment on the following HubSpot Contact properties under the group called “Humanitix”:
Last registered event
Last registered event date
Marketing Opt-in
You will also see the following options to segment your list based on Marketing event properties:
Attendance duration
Registered for marketing event
Cancelled marketing event registration
Attended marketing event
Or these custom Humanitix properties:
Event name
Order link
Order name
Registration type
Some example lists you can create are:
Event registrants: Registered for marketing event | Event Name | is equal to | [enter your event name]
Event attendees: Attended marketing event | Event Name | is equal to | [enter your event name]
Contacts who have registered for an event in the past month: Contact property | Last Registered Event Date | is less than | 4 weeks ago
Once you've created your lists, you can use them to send one-off email blasts or as enrolment triggers in a workflow to send automated emails to your different segments to remind them of the event or follow up afterwards. You can also use workflows to send follow-up emails after the event.
You can also set rules based on Humanitix properties in manual lead scoring.