Collections can showcase multiple event pages onto a single landing page accessed via a direct URL link or embedded onto your website. They are perfect for promoting event series, tours, or lists of your available events and workshops.
Customise your collection by including individual events, host profiles, and event groups and add your own brand styling. You can choose to showcase all events under your account or multiple, selected events. Create multiple collections for different event series, venues, brands, or tours.
Collections will soon replace tours and global widgets. You can edit existing tour pages, event listing, and custom search widgets, but you will soon be unable to create new ones.
We recommend creating a collection to replace them.
How to create a collections page
Navigate to promote > collections on the top menu bar
Select + new collection
Give your collection a name
This will appear at the top of your collection page
Add events to a collection
To add multiple events to a collection, use the events tab on the left-hand menu. You can add, feature and organise events using the featured events, event groups, and event listing options.
You can add events under each option, independently, to showcase your events in different ways.
For example, you can add all events through event groups only or also add an event listing to show events both individually and in groups.
Featured events
Featured events are promoted at the top of the collection page and are best used for your headline events or events you want to drive engagement to while advertising the full range of events and/or event groups.
Event groups
Use event groups to organise subsets of events into different themes, lineups, or other group options of your choice under a single card option on a collection page.
To create an event group click + new event group, give it a name, banner image and manually select events or filter by host profiles using the custom option.
You do not need to add events to an event listing or featured events list first to showcase events in event groups
Event listing
An event listing is the most expansive option to add all or multiple events to your collection page and is best used for displaying your entire events lineup and all ongoing events as you create them.
All events
The all events option will display all published events under your account, based on the set privacy setting. Newly created events will automatically appear on the collection. This is therefore best suited to broad event listings such as showcasing all of your events.
Selected events
Using the selected events option, only manually chosen events will appear on a collection and so is best suited for curated event series.
Using the custom option you can automatically display all events with specific host profiles and/or specific tags only.
Search and apply all relevant host profiles or tags (e.g. "workshop"). Newly created events which meet these criteria will automatically appear on the collection.
"Tags" must be enabled on your account.
Tags must be created and applied to an event in order to filter by them on a collection.
Contact the Humanitix support team if you need Tags enabled for your account.
Add additional navigation options with event tabs
Using event tabs you can allow buyers to quickly filter and navigate between events using periods such as day, month, tag or host profile
Event tabs will appear above events added into an event listing
Toggled ON show event tabs after adding your event listing and select your tab option
Add your collection page info
Update your collection URL link, description, banner image and social media links using the info tab on the left-hand menu
How to change your collections page URL
Your collections page URL is generated automatically when you first create your collection and is based on your collection name. You can
Use the collection URL field on the info page to edit your desired link.
Use hyphens "-" for spaces between words. You cannot include any special characters such as "@", "$", "?" etc.
Note: All links will start with ""
Warning: Changing a URL will 'break' any previous links that have been previously shared out
Link your host profile to your collection
Link your host profile via the info page
A linked host profile will appear at the top and bottom of the collection page
Add or edit your collection description
Use a description to provide any important information about the lineup of events and entice buyers to purchase tickets. Your description appears below the list of events and can be accessed via the about tab on the collection.
Add or edit your collection banner image
Your banner or 'hero' image appears at the top of the collection page. This is optional.
Specifications: 2:1 ratio. Recommend size at least 3000px x 1500px. Max size 10mb.
Add social media and website links to your collection
Social media and custom links appear in the top right of the collection.
To add your social media or custom links use the info tab to enter the appropriate link.
Change your collection layout and styling
You can customise the display of your event pages, including a calendar picker or search bar via the layout tab of your collection.
Display recurring events individually or on a single event card
By default, recurring event dates will appear as separate event cards on a collection.
Navigate to layout and toggle ON stack recurring events to display all event dates into a single event card.
Show a calendar picker
Toggling on show calendar will display an interactive calendar picker to the left of your event listings. Buyers can use the calendar to search for and filter for events running on specific dates.
Hide or enable a search bar
Toggle ON show search bar to display at the top of the event listing. Buyers can search by event names, keywords listed for events, locations, or host profiles associated with each event.
Change the colour and theme of your collection
Via the layout tab, you can also change the primary colour of all buttons and links on the collection page. This will not override the primary colour selected for all events hosted on the collection.
You can also change the collection page to light or dark mode, or adaptive to change it based on a buyer's device settings.
Make your collection page private or public
Navigate to the settings tab and toggle your collection to public or private. By default, all collections are public.
Private collections will not appear on the Humanitix website or search engines such as Google.
How to embed a collection on your website
You can embed your collection onto a webpage of your choice, allowing you to showcase your event lineup directly on your website.
To embed your collection, navigate to the widgets tab of your collection and click add to site...
Copy and paste the code provided into your website or website builder using an appropriate HTML or iFrame tool. Refer to your website builder for instructions.
If you are using a Wix site, you will still need to add the iFrame by directly editing the HTML of the site as opposed to using the components offered by Wix to ensure the Wix iFrame does not inhibit the functionality.
You must publish your collection page for a widget to work.
Disable analytics integrations on a collection widget
When disabled, the collections widget will not track any analytics data from traffic coming through the widget on your website.
Disabling is recommended if you already have analytics tracking tools such as Google Analytics set up on your website and therefore will prevent "duplicate" data.
Collections will currently only track views. You will not be able to track custom events such as purchases through the collection. These events are only tracked on the event page.
Share and promote your collection page via link
You can share the direct URL link to and/or download a QR code for your collection page via the share button in the top right
Commonly asked questions
The preview/widget is showing “no events found”
If your widget shows the message "no events found" then check your collection privacy settings. Private events are excluded by default. Draft events will also be excluded.
Can I download a QR code for my collections page?
Yes, after publishing your collection click the share button in the top right and select download QR code.
Can I showcase events that have been shared with my account on a collection?
Yes, if another user has shared access to an event with your account you can feature this event on a collection that you have created. These events will not appear under the all events event listing option, but can be manually selected under the selected events option.
When a collection is embedded on to my website, will clicking on an event open within the widget?
No, events will open up in a new tab in a users browser even if you have embedded a collection onto your website. Our team is looking at introducing an improved functionality in the future to allow this, or a similar behaviour.
Can I transfer my collection to another account?
No, collection pages are not currently able to be transferred between users.
I cannot find an event to add to my collection
There could be a few reasons why some events aren't appearing in the drop-down list when adding events to a collection:
The dropdown can display a limited number of options. Try typing in the field to manually search.
The events are set to private. Private events are excluded from collections by default. You can change the collection settings to include private events.
The event is in a draft, past or archived state. You can only select published and live events to showcase them in a collection. This means it is not possible to include draft, past or archived events in any collection.
The events were shared with you by another user. If someone has shared events with you, these shared events won't appear under the all events option. You'll need to use the selected events option to manually add them.
You have applied a filter to the event selection. Check your event filters to ensure they're not preventing the events from appearing.