By default, a buyer can purchase up to "10" tickets of any ticket type. You can override this and reduce or increase the number.
To set a minimum or maximum number of tickets that can be purchased for a single ticket type:
Head to the tickets > ticket types page of your event
Click the settings ⚙️ icon to the right of your ticket type > advanced settings
Adjust the following ticket settings:
Minimum tickets per order
The smallest number of tickets that can be selected in the dropdown option
Maximum tickets per order
The largest number of tickets that can be selected in the dropdown option
Restrict to multiples of
Useful when offering pairs or group bookings
For example, setting a multiple of ‘2' means only even numbers from '2, 4, 6, 8..’ can be selected in the dropdown option.
Commonly asked questions
Can I set a "minimum of 1" ticket to require a buyer to purchase that ticket type?
Setting a minimum of "1" tickets per order will NOT automatically add this ticket type to an order or require a buyer to purchase this ticket. Buyers must always opt-in to purchase a ticket type. However, setting a "Minimum of 2" means a buyer must add at least 1 more of that ticket type after they have added their first to their order.