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Why is my event / ticket appearing as "sold out" or unavailable?
Why is my event / ticket appearing as "sold out" or unavailable?
Updated over a month ago

Your event or ticket type may appear as sold out or unavailable unexpectedly because of reasons such as duplicating event and ticket type settings from a previous event, needing to amend ticket capacities, or due to a triggered waitlist.

Explore the following scenarios below to help troubleshoot your event.

Ticket sales have been stopped

If your event page displays a sales have stopped message it means you have manually applied a stop sales indicator on your event.

If this event is a duplicate of another, this option would have carried over.

To resume sales:

  1. Manage your event via the events tab

  2. Click the menu ... button in the top right

  3. Click resume sales

Event is set to show as sold out

If your event page displays a "sold out" message, it means your event has been set to show as sold out.

To remove the sold out message:

  1. Manage your event via the events tab

  2. Click the menu ... button in the top right

  3. Select remove sold out

A ticket type capacity needs to be increased

If you believe a ticket type should still be on sale, review the number of tickets already sold and the capacity for that ticket type.

A ticket capacity sets how many of that particular ticket type can be sold regardless of your total event capacity or other ticket types

  1. Navigate to the overview page of your event

  2. Scroll down to the earnings by ticket type

  3. Review the number of tickets sold

To increase your ticket type capacity:

  1. Navigate to tickets > ticket types

  2. Amend your ticket capacity to the number of tickets you can sell

  3. Click save

The total event capacity has been reached

The total event capacity is the maximum number of tickets you can sell across all ticket types for your event. All tickets will appear as "sold out" once this figure has been reached.

Navigate to the overview page of your event to find the earnings of your event. A ticket sales count of x/x or 100% will indicate your event has 'sold out'.

To increase your total event capacity:

  1. Manage your event via the events tab

  2. Navigate to tickets > ticket types

  3. Select the edit ✏️ icon to amend the total event capacity

  4. Click save

A ticket type has a “sold-out override”

A ticket type can be marked as "sold out" even if it still has tickets available. This override will carry over from a duplicated event.

After reviewing the earnings by ticket report on the overview page of your event and your ticket shows available a sold out ticket could be due to this setting

To remove a sold out override on a ticket type:

  1. Manage your event via the events tab

  2. Navigate to tickets > ticket types

  3. Click the settings ⚙️ icon to the right of the ticket type(s) appearing as sold out

  4. Click advanced settings

  5. Toggle OFF sold out override

  6. Click save

A start/end date for ticket sales has been set on a ticket type

If your ticket type cannot be selected and has the text "Sales start at..." or "Sales ended at..." it is because a ticket sales start/end date has been set.

To remove or amend a sales date on a ticket type:

  1. Navigate to tickets > ticket types

  2. Select the settings ⚙️ icon to the right of the ticket type

  3. Under sales start/end amend or remove the start or end date

You will need to do this for each ticket type

A waitlist has been triggered

If your ticket type displays a join waitlist button, your ticket type or event at some point 'sold out' triggering your waitlist.

Your ticket is either sold out, or you have guests on your waitlist ready to receive an offer for tickets.

Head to manage attendees > waitlist to manage your waitlist

A waitlist will always be respected, meaning once guests start joining the waitlist, all newcomers will be prompted to join the waitlist even if new tickets become available.

Offer tickets to guests on the waitlist

Guests on the waitlist will receive an email notification with a unique link to purchase tickets

  1. Head to manage attendees > waitlist

  2. Under the manage waitlist tab, click check ticket status

  3. Ensure the ticket you want to offer has the "ready to offer" status. If not, you will first need to increase the ticket type capacity

  4. Select the waitlist member(s) you would like to offer tickets to

  5. Click offer tickets

Reset the waitlist and reopen all tickets

If you have a large number of available tickets e.g. if you have increased the ticket capacity you can choose to release all available tickets publicly. The waitlist will be reset until the ticket type sells out again

  1. Head to the manage waitlist tab

  2. Click put back on sale in the bottom right

Guests on the waitlist will not be notified of available tickets if you click put back on sale.

We recommend sending an "offer" to those on the waitlist in addition to releasing all tickets.

An access code quantity has been reached

If a customer has used an access code to reveal a hidden ticket type that is now showing as sold out, it is likely that the code quantity has been reached.

An access code "quantity" limits how many individual tickets can be registered using that code over it's entire lifetime

To track the usage of an access code and it's remaining availability

  1. Navigate to reports > access codes on the left-hand menu bar

  2. Click get report

  3. If remaining equals "0" it means a code quantity has been reached

To increase your access code quantity:

  1. Navigate to promote > access codes on the left-hand menu bar

  2. Click Edit ✏️ beside the access code

  3. Increase the quantity - or remove any number to allow unlimited quantity

  4. Click save

A grouped capacity has been reached

A grouped capacity is the maximum number of tickets you can sell for a select group of ticket types.

The grouped capacity will override the ticket type capacities within the collection.

A total event capacity will override both Grouped and Ticket Type Capacities

Grouped capacities are not enabled by default, but will be carried over from a duplicated event

To review and edit your grouped capacities:

  1. Navigate to tickets > grouped capacity

  2. Review the capacity and the ticket types included in your grouped capacity

  3. Either increase the grouped capacity or delete the grouped capacity if it is not required

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