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Ticket type, grouped and total event capacities
Ticket type, grouped and total event capacities

What's the difference between ticket type capacity, grouped capacity and total event capacity?

Updated over 7 months ago

We understand how important it is to manage ticket sales so you can sell as many tickets as you want but never have to worry about overselling your event. For this purpose, we have designed three levels of capacity limits to provide flexibility for every type of event.

Level 1

Ticket type capacity


Level 2

Grouped capacity


Level 3

Total event capacity

Level 1: Ticket type capacity

"Ticket type capacity" is the maximum number of tickets you can sell for a particular ticket type. It is designed to prevent overselling a ticket type.

Ticket type capacity is limited by any grouped capacities that include that ticket type. Ticket type capacity is also limited by the total event capacity.

Level 2: Grouped capacity

"Grouped capacity" is the maximum number of tickets you can sell for a collection of ticket types. It is designed to prevent overselling that collection and is particularly useful when your venue has complex capacity limits over certain ticket types but not across all of them.

Grouped capacity will override the ticket type capacities within the collection. However, grouped capacities are still limited by the total event capacity.

Level 3: Total event capacity

"Total event capacity" is the maximum number of tickets you can sell for your event. It is designed to prevent overselling an event and is particularly useful when your venue has a capacity limit.

Total event capacity overrides all ticket type capacities and grouped capacities.

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